Famous flamboyant artist Billich is haunted by killings he witnessed as a child. In the pursuit of justice, he becomes the victim of an art heist.
An outspoken artist escapes a merciless regime after his cruel imprisonment and sets sail for Australia as a refugee.
Painting the portrait of his life in the company of popes, kings and playboy bunnies, the now famous artist is still haunted by memories of mass killings he witnessed as a child.
In the pursuit of justice, he immediately becomes the target of vengeful tyrants and fraudsters who inflict on him the biggest art heist of the century.
Together with his glamorous wife, their careers continue to flourish in spite of the turmoil in a fun yet chilling story that could not be imagined if it was not real.
Based on the true story of the world’s most eccentric living artist Charles Billich and the love of his life Christa. A temperamental drama that exposes their valiant tale in a turbulent yet exuberant roller coaster ride laced with wild parties and fun.
- Language: ENGLISH
- Est. budget: 5M AUD (3.75M USD)
- Location: AUSTRALIA
- Other: CROATIA
- In production: 2023
- Est. completion: 2024